Some Milestones of OER in German Higher Education
Important Milestone: Wissenschaftsrat 2022
The Wissenschaftsrat [most important science policy advisory body in Germany] recommends that the federal and state governments establish a transnational infrastructure for the further dissemination and use of Open Educational Resources (OER), linking the existing collections and repositories via a meta-search engine and thus improving the findability and accessibility of educational materials nationwide, if possible across the different educational sectors.
(Quelle: Wissenschaftsrat, 2022, S. 92)
Need for cross-border cooperation
- Bottom-up OER-initiatives and OER-projects are becoming difficult to monitor
- Several similar challenges are to be addressed with the risk of duplicate work
- A network on the federal level was initiated in 2022 to coordinate OER developments in the context of:
IT-Infrastructure: Repository, OER Search Index, …- Quality of OER
- OER Production
- OER Policies and Governance
- Members are OER-Portals which are mandated by regional governments
Some examples for “Good Practices”
- OER-Search Index: distributed educational materials for higher education can be searched and found across platforms
- OER funding: incentives for university to collaborately produce and (re-)use OER for teaching
- Communication: Website
- Regular events: self-hosted and participation at major conferences