

Externally, KNOER is represented by a collegial chair elected by the member institutions for two years. Currently, the chair consists of Dr. Konrad Faber and PD Dr. Markus Deimann.

Deputy Chair

Dr. Marc Göcks and Peter Rempis function as Deputy Chairs and support the Chair on behalf of the KNOER Cooperation Network.

Representatives of other Member Institutions

Virtual Office

The Virtual Office consists of staff from the participating member institutions and forms a coordination and communication team that takes care of operational tasks and works with the Chair on strategic issues.

Member Institutions

The member institutions of KNOER are mandated in their respective federal states. They are active in various fields of work in the context of digitisation of research and teaching and provide a wide range of services in this context (networking, consulting, provision of infrastructures, promotion of Open Educational Resources, etc.).

Currently, the following seven state institutions are members of the KNOER cooperation network:

PD Dr. Markus Deimann

PD Dr. Markus Deimann is Chair of the KNOER cooperation network. Since March 2021, he is Managing Director in the Office of the North-Rhine Westphalian state portal, which is located at the Ruhr University Bochum.
He has a doctorate and habilitation in educational science and has been researching and teaching in the field of education and technology for around 20 years.
Markus Deimann first came into contact with OER in 2007 as part of the EU project OLCOS, for which he worked at the Distance-Learning University in Hagen. Since then, he has been campaigning for OER in higher education teaching from a didactical, technical and political perspective.


Dr. Konrad Faber

Dr. Konrad Faber is Chair of the cooperation network KNOER and Managing Director of the Virtual Campus Rhineland-Palatinate (VCRP). He studied industrial engineering and adult education. He received his doctorate from the Department of Social Sciences at the TU Kaiserslautern with a thesis on organisation and innovation in education. He is a consultant for online and distance learning, author of books, teaching materials and professional articles on the topics of education, personnel and quality management as well as e-learning. Dr. Faber has consulting experience in industry, public administration and higher education institutions. He has been active in the field of higher and further education for over twenty years.


Dr. Marc Göcks
Multimedia Kontor Hamburg

Dr. Marc Göcks has been Managing Director of Multimedia Kontor Hamburg since 2008 and is also project manager of the eCampus funding programme. After studying business administration at the TU Berlin, he took over the project coordination of a transnational BMBF-NMB joint project at the BTU Cottbus. After completion of the joint project, he was responsible for the development and coordination of the Higher Education Network for Multimedia and eLearning in Brandenburg (HVMB) during the funding phase from 2004 to the end of 2006 and completed his doctorate at the BTU Cottbus. Since the beginning of 2007, he has now been working in Hamburg and, together with the entire MMKH team, supports the digital transformation as well as the cross-university networking of the public-state universities in Hamburg in various topics and through diverse service and support offers. He has been involved in these topics for more than 20 years and has since been committed to networking, cooperation and supporting service offers for the university partners and other stakeholders.


Peter Rempis

Peter Rempis is the head of the Central OER Repository of Universities in Baden-Württemberg ( He studied Classical Studies and Library Management. He has worked at the University Library of Tübingen since 1998. He is in charge of the university’s eLearning and publication services, under whose umbrella the ZOERR is permanently operated as a state service. Peter Rempis is heavily involved in OER-related topics. He is involved in the KNOER and moderates, among others, the working group of the OER repositories of the Länder, the OER community BW, the working group OER production, as well as the SIG edu-sharing. He is a multiplier on OER issues both within and outside Baden-Württemberg.


Dr. Michael Gerth

Dr. Michael Gerth is deputy project manager of the joint project eSALSA (eService agency for universities in the state of Saxony-Anhalt). The aim of the joint project of eight universities is to create the conditions for a service-oriented state initiative in the area of ​​digitalization in teaching.

After completing his doctorate in political science, he headed the e-learning service at the University of Leipzig from 2007. Since 2012 he has been managing director of the Center for Multimedia Teaching and Learning (LLZ) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.


Ronny Röwert
Digital Learning Campus

Ronny Röwert heads the project office of the Digital Learning Campus SH (DLC). The DLC consists of a digital learning and collaboration platform for future skills as well as physical learning locations that are networked via the platform, including at many university locations in Schleswig-Holstein. Previously, he was responsible for transformation projects in the context of digital education at CHE Consult, Kiron Open Higher Education, Stifterverband and Hamburg University of Technology.


Noreen Krause

Noreen Krause has been project manager at the TIB – Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology since 2019. Together with the team, she offers qualification and support services for everything to do with OER, see

Noreen Krause is active in the Advisory Board Open Education Austria Advanced, in the cross-state working group OER repositories and OER referatories in the higher education sector, DINI AG, the Alliance for Free Education and as an expert for funding lines.

At KNOER she is involved in the working groups Quality, Production and Programs, Policy and Governance as well as Further Education & International Affairs. After she as a scientific Project management and management of a large faculty at the University of Tübingen, she has been a consultant and eLearning professional in the context of digitization of teaching and learning in Hanover since 2016. Previously she was at the Institute for Business Psychology, Educational Psychology and Evaluation at the University of Vienna.


Alexander Clauss
Bildungsportal Sachsen

After completing his Master’s degree in Business Education at the TU Dresden, Alexander Clauss developed and implemented a variety of qualification measures for the application of e-learning in the university context in Germany and abroad as a research assistant at the Chair of Information Management at the TU Dresden. As part of his ongoing doctorate, he is working on the development and support of internal learning and knowledge communities. Since 2021, Alexander Clauss has headed the office of the e-learning working group of the LRK Saxony.


Paulina Rinne

Paulina Rinne studied Cultural and Religious Studies, Gender Studies, Farsi and Hindi in Marburg and Tehran and is currently doing a PhD in Religious Studies with a focus on gender and religion. After her studies, she was involved in university teaching (Religious Studies) and in adult education (Theatre of the Oppressed, Creative Writing). With the onset of the corona pandemic, she has focused on digital teaching and digital theatre projects and curated two digital exhibitions. In all these activities, she paid special attention to accessibility and internationalisation. Since March 2022, she is project coordinator of the HessenHub and head of the related Joint Service Point.


Verena Russlies

Verena Russlies is project and support manager at the Central Open Educational Resources Repository (ZOERR) in Baden-Württemberg. After studying German and political science in Leipzig and working as a research assistant at the University of Stuttgart, her path led her to actively help shape a changed teaching culture. As a member of staff at ZOERR, her focus is on networking, coordination and, increasingly, on the topic of Open Educational Practices.


Daniel Diekmann

Daniel Diekmann functions as Expert for Open Educational Resources at the Norht Rhine-Westphalian state portal He previously worked as a research assistant at the Learning Lab | Chair for Media Didactics and Knowledge Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen. There he worked on various projects dealing with topics in the context of digitisation in education, including Open Educational Resources.


Tim Wiegers

Tim Wiegers is an employee of the virtual office of KNOER and works as a research assistant at the Virtual Campus Rhineland-Palatinate. After graduating in Computer Animation for Film and Games and Applied Media, he first worked on a children’s film production before switching to education via the conception of a serious game for children with learning disabilities and completing a Master’s degree in Media & Education. He worked on the Studica II, Work&Study and OER@RLP projects, among others, but has also specialised in the field of gamification.



eSALSA is a joint project of eight universities in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. With the project we want to create the basis for a joint e-service agency for the universities in Saxony-Anhalt.

eSALSA develops digitalization in university teaching closely to the different needs of universities in Saxony-Anhalt. As part of the network, employees act as contact persons for teachers and multipliers at the universities and offer cross-university formats and support offers. In addition, we develop sustainable organizational forms for the use of technical equipment, the acquisition of didactic skills and for the support and qualification of teachers. Among other things, we focus on the key topics of e-examinations, online further education and hybrid teaching.


Prof. Dr. Torsten Schubert
Overall project management
+49 (0) 345 55-24350

Dr. Michael Gerth
deputy project management
+49 (0) 345 55-28670

Dr. Thomas Köhler
Project coordination
+49 (0) 345 55-28672

Digital Learning Campus
Brief Description:

The Digital Learning Campus (DLC) is an opportunity for all people in Schleswig-Holstein to participate, learn and shape their personal future, their company and their country: They can get fit in the area of future skills, establish new networks and develop ideas and projects together that generate innovations for the economy and society. On the one hand, the Digital Learning Campus consists of a digital learning and collaboration platform. On the other hand, the DLC consists of a series of physical learning and collaboration locations networked via the platform, including at many university locations in Schleswig-Holstein. The Digital Learning Campus thus completely redefines education and offers pupils, students, company employees and other citizens the free, accessible and open opportunity to deal with future topics such as artificial intelligence.


Ronny Röwert
Tel.: +49 431 200 866 15


Brief Description:

twillo is the Lower Saxony portal for Open Educational Resources (OER) in university teaching. The open source platform offers a sustainable and free service that teachers can use to publish and further develop openly licensed educational materials from all disciplines. In addition to the repository, twillo offers extensive support services, such as weekly live online advice (twillo Thursday), regular workshops and information published on the homepage, templates, self-learning units and much more. on the topic of OER and its creation and framework conditions. twillo has been online since spring 2020 and was designed and developed jointly by the TIB – Leibniz Information Center for Technology and Natural Sciences, the E-Learning Academic Network Lower Saxony (ELAN e.V.), the HIS Institute for Higher Education Development, the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, the University of Osnabrück and Stud.IP. The joint project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK).


Noreen Krause


Multimedia Kontor Hamburg

As a subsidiary of the six public state universities in Hamburg, Multimedia Kontor Hamburg (MMKH) supports cross-university projects and initiatives in the field of digital transformation of university teaching and administration. In addition to digitalisation in higher education teaching, the main topics include data protection, process management, management information systems and campus management. The MMKH supports its partner universities through consultations, diverse qualification and training offers, direct production or project support on site, as well as information and networking, also in the form of various event formats, such as the annual Campus Innovation conference.


Dr.Marc Göcks
Tel: +49 40 30 38 57 90




ZOERR has been in operation since November 2017 as an online publication service for Open Educational Resources (OER). It has also taken on other tasks related to OER: Promotion, consulting, training and networking. On behalf of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg, the ZOERR sees itself as a central service provider and contact in matters of university OER.
ZOERR is operated by the Tübingen University Library on behalf of the universities. Of the 49 state universities, 39 are now registered for use at ZOERR (as of 31.12.2022).

The ZOERR also represents the state’s higher education institutions externally on behalf of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg in matters of OER.

ZOERR is part of the publication services of the University Library of Tübingen and will be continued permanently after the end of the funding.

ZOERR is currently (as of 31.12.2022) in the fourth MWK funding phase “bwZOERR”. In the next three years, these goals will be pursued as a priority:

  • Active role of the ZOERR in OER production: Promotion of OER-production at the universitys through further qualification of the local OER supervisors organised in the OER Community BW at the ZOERR.
  • Curating external OER resources for use at Baden-Württemberg’s higher education institutions. Possibly linked to the free licensing of commercial learning materials.
  • Ensuring and further developing the technical operation, the editorial operation, the advisory services.
    Continuous cooperation and stronger networking of the ZOERR with OER institutions in Germany and Europe. The KNOER plays a central role here. ZOERR’s involvement in other groups such as OER-Repo AG, see or the AG OER-Qualität will be continued and expanded.

Peter Rempis
Head of
Tel: +49 7071 29 73 45 0



The HessenHub is an initiative of thirteen universities in Hessen.

The aim of the network is to provide students with access to barrier-free and quality-assured teaching content and digitally supported teaching and learning formats and also to promote digital technologies in teaching. To this end, we support teachers both in the creation of digital learning content and from a didactic, organisational-technical and legal perspective. The protected virtual space of the HessenHub offers teachers the opportunity to exchange and test innovative concepts.


Paulina Rinne
Project Coordinator
Tel: +49 6421 28 26 73 9


eTeach-Netzwerk Thüringen

The eTeach Network Thuringia accompanies and promotes the digital transformation of teaching, learning and testing at Thuringian universities. With courses and workshops, it makes a significant contribution to the qualification of teachers. The network advises teachers on the didactically sensible selection, use and implementation of digital tools and scenarios. Support programmes create the space and offer resources so that teachers can further develop their learning and teaching offers. The eTeach Network Thuringia uses the potential that arises from the network and joint work by creating projects across universities, making results visible and bringing together interested parties from all disciplines.


Sebastian Metag
Managing Director for Strategic Development, Planning & External Cooperation
Tel: +49 3643 58 12 60



Bildungsportal Sachsen

The Working Group E-Learning of the Rectors’ Conference of Saxony is a scientific body that supports the professional and strategic consultation, the initiation and implementation of higher education projects that serve the further stabilization of e-learning significantly through recommendations.

It supports the higher education institutions in continuing the path successfully taken with the initiative “Saxony Education Portal” to bundle and jointly develop their potential in the field of e-learning in order to strengthen their competitiveness on the national and international education market, to further increase the quality of academic education and training and, in doing so, to increase the effectiveness of teaching/learning processes.


Alexander Clauss
Head of the office
Tel: +49 351 46 34 02 64


The Virtual Campus Rhineland-Palatinate (VCRP) is a joint academic institution of all universities in Rhineland-Palatinate. It supports all higher education institutions in the state by providing an educational technology infrastructure, e.g. with the learning management system (OpenOLAT) and the video server service Panopto. In addition, the VCRP advises teachers and those responsible for study programmes on methodological-didactic issues and on the development of a digital teaching strategy, and develops several information and service portals. A variety of qualification offers are brought together under the umbrella of the VCRP-E-Cademy. The VCRP also advises on the acquisition of third-party funding for projects that include digital media or elements of digital teaching and learning.


Dr Konrad Faber
Managing Director
Tel.: +49 631 205 4948



The state portal is a free online portal for digitally supported teaching and learning at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is a joint service offered by 37 universities in NRW, organised under the umbrella of the Digital University NRW.
With a network of 37 universities, the NRW state portal is the largest of its kind in Germany. Its tasks include providing information and services in the context of digital teaching and making e-learning activities at universities in NRW visible. On the other hand, the provision of a quality-assured, curated pool of teaching and learning materials, which are made available as Open Educational Resources, is a core task of the state portal.


PD Dr. Markus Deimann
Managing Director
Tel: +49 234 32 26 14 3
Mobile: +49 151 67 13 70 13
