What is KNOER?
The Cooperation Network OER Supporting Infrastructures and Services (KNOER) is an association of mandated state institutions that promote, coordinate and network digitally supported teaching and learning in their respective state universities.
With the cooperation network, the participating institutions have created a binding and sustainable structure for cooperation between the German Federal States on digitisation in teaching in higher education. The cooperation is geared towards bundling and networking digital teaching/learning infrastructures and services that promote OER. The network enables its members to exchange experiences as equal partners, to identify common interests and to advocate them on a federal level. In this way, they jointly carry forward important issues and solutions around OER in higher education.
Our Vision
For KNOER, openness is the central component of education – now and in the future. We are therefore committed to a continuously growing dissemination of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) in higher education.
The vision of our cooperation network is to create a culture of openness and sharing at universities, where the joint creation and use of open educational content – also across university and federal state borders – is a natural part of teaching and learning.
The members of KNOER see themselves as OER ambassadors, working towards the realisation of this vision and promoting the topic of openness in higher education as providers of ideas and structures as well as pioneers.
Goals of KNOER
Tasks of KNOER